Open sinus lift (raising the floor of the maxillary sinus and increasing the volume of bone tissue in the upper jaw area)
Guided bone regeneration (bone material + membrane)
Implant placement Osstem (South Korea)
Implant placement Root (Switzerland)
Implant placement Hiossen (USA)
Implant placement Neodent GM (Switzerland)
Metal-ceramic crown for an Osstem implant
Metal-ceramic crown for a Hiossen implant
Metal-ceramic crown for a Neodent implant
Crown for a Root implant (zirconium dioxide)
Crown for an Ankylos implant
(zirconium dioxide)
Intermediate metal-ceramic crown for an implant
Intermediate crown for an implant made of zirconium dioxide
Implant placement - premium class Ankylos (Germany)
Metal-ceramic crown for a Root implant
Crown for Osstem, Hiossen implants (zirconium dioxide)
Crown for a Neodent GM implant (zirconium dioxide)
Navigation template installation
Multi-unit abutment insertion
Temporary implant crown (РММА)
Removable bar prosthesis supported by 2-3 implants
Temporary prosthesis on «All-on-4» implants
Removable bar prosthesis supported by 4 implants
Fixed metal-ceramic denture on «All-on-4» with multi-unit abutments implants
Fixed denture on «All-on-4» zirconium dioxide with
multi-unit abutments implants